YumiAkimoto Offline

31 Female    22
MY PERSONALITY i guess i'm not talkative type to stranger.. XD.. why why? i don't know .. maybe it bcuz i'm scared to make a mistake i never asking someone.. .haha ignorant.. but i didn't mean it.. it's just im not good at searching for some topic.. lol.. quite in the first and if u know me BBOMMMM! jackpot i'm totally talkative person i never stop talking . haha . except if i'm tired or my battery get low lol lol... well.. i kind of a fool person! haha.. fool >.< .. and sassy~ . i know i know >.< .. a lil bit weird,, u have to mention it rite?XD cheerful and quite in the same time.. lol. ah. it's you who can judge me.. so keep talking to me.. or i will forgot bout u *easy to remembering and easy to forget. *

YumiAkimoto: msn-angela19samantha@hotmail.com
12 years ago Report Link
YumiAkimoto: =.=" Crap ..so many ppl MSG me =_= my hand tired ..brb 1st >_< Sorry
12 years ago Report Link
YumiAkimoto changed her profile picture: 12 years ago Report
YumiAkimoto changed her profile picture: 12 years ago Report
YumiAkimoto: Sleeping~
12 years ago Report Link
YumiAkimoto: = = Playing PS2 LoL
12 years ago Report Link
YumiAkimoto: -Thx Guys <3-
12 years ago Report Link
YumiAkimoto: WHAT I LOVE THE MOST.. ♥COLOR! >> black >> white! >> Blue.. >> Green.. ♥FOOD~ i love all food homemade food . the best.. ♥MAKE UP!~ i amaze with girl's who can make up. to be honest i can't make up. haha but i try.. ♥GAME CONSOLE!! haha.. i love RPG game YO~ i'm a gamer YO!~ haha .. XD. well i love most of game anyway but i love RPG ahahaha.. such as FF series.. oh i love Persona as well.. i always give a name "SOuta" on it Yamaguchi Souta .. haha because he is handsome! . and Yamaguchi Souta .. it's sounds that name really suited on handsome person? OTOME GAME too ♥MANGA! i love manga.. but i didn't collecting it all again now.. haha.. it's happened when i'm in high school.. it's shoujo manga.. haha of course it is!! why i have to collect any other than that? haha.. XD. ♥MOVIE! ♥ANIMALS!!! they are cute!~ cute cute.. a bear, XD haha.. cat, dog, penguin, haha. look at how they walk.. so cute!~ <3. oh.. little tiger? XD leopard? // snake? hell no. yew.. gross. i ever saw a wild snake when i'm walking in my way to get home and when i find it .. i forgot the name of it~ i called the snake "Lizard!! Lizard! oh no what its name again.." lol. that happened for real bcuz im shock! it's a big one! really.. a long one.. it's definitely in front of me.. but the snake didn't get bother because of me.. isn;t that weird? maybe snake thingking "she even can't remember what animal i am. why should i?" lol.. or am i too weak? haha. WTV~ ♥BOY? HOT BOY! >.<! haha.. girl love boys right? i'm a normal one right?? .. for caucassians i love blonde hair boys.. like dirty blonde or something XD lol. i dunno it's just like "wow".. ahaha asian.. who have name like yano,souta, sora, andou, it's must be a good looking one? hahahaha.. *sorry soujou manga effect* ♥ HOBBY my hobby is all about art,, ♥ RANDOM to tell u the truth.. i hate doing some sport.. but believe or not.. i have a little muscle in my arms.. hahahaha.. why? i dunno.. maybe it bcuz i always dance? lol. WTV.. it become fat now.. i guess. haha i'm bad at doing sport.. XD. i'm bad at math too.. XD. haha. i'm good in language~ i guess.. . and art stuff.. haha
12 years ago Report Link
YumiAkimoto: MY PERSONALITY i guess i'm not talkative type to stranger.. XD.. why why? i don't know .. maybe it bcuz i'm scared to make a mistake i never asking someone.. .haha ignorant.. but i didn't mean it.. it's just im not good at searching for some topic.. lol.. quite in the first and if u know me BBOMMMM! jackpot i'm totally talkative person i never stop talking . haha . except if i'm tired or my battery get low lol lol... well.. i kind of a fool person! haha.. fool >.< .. and sassy~ . i know i know >.< .. a lil bit weird,, u have to mention it rite?XD cheerful and quite in the same time.. lol. ah. it's you who can judge me.. so keep talking to me.. or i will forgot bout u *easy to remembering and easy to forget. *
12 years ago Report Link
YumiAkimoto added new images to her album Profile Pictures
14 New Pictures added to Profile Pictures
12 years ago Report