
Screw This I'm going to eat a pie

... Really I haven't made a blog entry so, Lets Give It a Sot!

So Why don't I just put a 'lyrics of the moment' witch will be;
"we are strong, we don't belong, born in this world when it all falls a part"
"We will fight, we will fall, until the angles saves us all"
- yeah that's about how 'cheerful' the songs I listen to are, it's true!

And yeah I have an obsession with lyrics to songs.
and mostly the songs I listen to have ... 'weird' lyrics, o_O

crap -.-"
I don't have anything to say here, nothing special nothing ... funny
So Well, "Screw this I'm going to eat a pie" ...
or download itunes so my ipod will wake up from 6 months off, 'no new songs' :o