Friends | I know who am and what im put here to do i have found the love of my life and im just a cool sweet guy taylor679: hey 8 years ago • Report • Link 0 XBryceX: Would you _______ (with) me? 1)Squeeze, 2)Watch a Movie 3)Have Sex 4)Chill Out 5)marry 6)Hug 7)Makeout 8)lick 9)kiss 10)cuddle 11)stare at 12)tease 13)date 14)talk 15)love 16)be friends 17)crush on 18)molest 19)rape 20)suck 21)grope 22)spoon 23)jack me off 24)seduce 25)strip View all 4 posts vampireyuki123: I told u im not playing people think im just saying it to fget attention well im not I really do it vampireyuki123: im talking about other people Bryce dam sometime Ithing u don't believe me but at the end ur the one who helps me out n cheers me up XBryceX: hay you ever died I ASK HAVE YOU EVER DIED no well i have one to many times and now i have found someone to pick me back up and dust me off XBryceX: I will paint this smile on my face and i will be friendly to you i will be nice even if you hate me and i will forgive you for the most serious things and i will die for anyone i would give anything to anyone you need money here you go and new kidney here take mine a heart i will die so you can live a hand a foot ANYTHING its the kind of person i am but i would do all this and yet i cant figure out for the life of me why i cant be happy i try and i try again but then iv been thinking as i watch all these ppl walk around happy maybe you arnt born happy you have to pursue it but im trying to do that iv feel so many times and been shot and got right back up and never changed my attitude so pls tell me why all this bad stuff happens to the nicest people XBryceX: should i make a ccount to my acctule age 16 :/ so i can talk to my ppl that are under 16 hmmm XBryceX: one can only love with 2 for if you do not have 2 then you do not have love becuse 1 + 1 = 2 XBryceX: i can feel myself rising from the dead slowly coming back to life i am no longer dead my heart is beating and i am breathing all because of you |