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73 Female from Walla Walla       71

Almost Forgotten (a short, short story)

“She’s over there”, she said, pointing to the corner of the Library, “but, she never gets any visitors.”
I nodded and thanked the nurse for her assistance.
As I approached, I could see she was gazing out the large window as if expecting someone to arrive. She was dressed neatly in a white blouse and black slacks with her curly, white hair tied on top of her head.
She sat up straight in the chair with her fingers interlaced together and placed calmly in her lap. She had a pleasant look upon her bare face, which was only adorned with a bit of face powder. So intent was her gaze that she did not see me approaching.
“Ms Appleton. Ms Gloria Appleton ?” I asked.
She turned and smiled “Why yes; yes that’s me !” she said eagerly.
“I have come to talk with you. I have heard that all of your family lives far away and that you don’t receive many visitors, so I have come to make sure that everything is being take care of for your comfort.”
“Oh, yes, of course ! Everyone here has been so very nice to me; going out of their way to make me feel at home here” she beamed.
“Good. That makes me very happy to hear that. Were you expecting someone ? I noticed you are all dressed and watching out the window. I hope I’m not interrupting.”
“Oh. No, not expecting anyone” she said with just a note of sadness in her voice. “I suppose I was just lost in thought. It happens when you get older, you know. So many memories to go back through.”
“Oh, yes” I chuckled, “there must be so many lovely memories for you ! Your husband, your children and grandchildren. Not to mention the one that got away” I teased.
“Ah, yes, that one.” and she hesitated for a time “but I don’t think of him much…..any more. Almost gone are the memories of his voice; how soft, how sweet, how mesmerized I was by the sound; and how I would make him read to me for hours just to hear its sound !” she laughed out loud.
“Or his eyes that would sparkle when we should meet. I don’t think about that much either.: she shook her head. “Nor the gentle way he would hold if I were the most precious treasure on Earth.”
She turned towards the window again and began to watch outside once more.
A tear dropped lightly onto her cheek and began its journey downward. She appeared not to notice it was there and made no move to brush it off.
She began to hum softly and a slight smile crossed her face and once again she became very pensive in her demeanor.
I got up quietly and walked away leaving her to her thoughts, into which, I had the distinct feeling I was invading.
As I reached the nurse’s station, she stopped to ask if Ms Gloria was alright.
“Yes, I said; just in love with the past.” and I stopped and finished “and I hope to be as beloved as much some day.” as I headed for the door brushing away a tear that had fallen upon my cheek...
December 17, 2018