willhickup Offline

48 Male    181
willhickup: over the past year or two...I have made it a habit to give/donate credits out to folks if I happen to hit a jackpot. I've been lucky a few times and have had the opportunity to do this a few times. This isn't anything special...but what I find truly remarkable and honestly a bit humbling on my part that some people remember that small act. It was/and never will be expected... but more than once folks have simply reached out and said hello/thanks for that thing at the place at the time. That small act is not / and will not be expected...but will always be appreciated. For the folks that matter..thank you all and be well
2 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (2)
Sharty B
Sharty B: Will, thank you
I promise to never forget your act of kindness when i win something.
2 years ago ReplyReport
clover: i never forgot Will and enjoy to share back
2 years ago ReplyReport