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66 Male from Sydney       209

The Clouds of Doubt

by WildWithWords

The clouds of doubt form first on our horizon
So distant as to not be a threat
They block only the view of the far-sighted
But soon they are overhead
Then within our minds
Blocking the truth
Clouding our judgement
And our reactions
Darkening our hearts.

Then come the rains
So soft on our cheeks
So harsh on our substance
Washing through our souls
Flooding the sanctuary which we knew
With the salty waters of disillusionment
Drowning all that once mattered
In a blur of fact and fantasy
Leaving only glazed eyes and memories
Making us different from before
Changing us.... and not for the better.

Finally the clouds clear
A new and better light shines forth
Revealing all to us in its naked truth
Trouble is….
Sometimes we don't like the new truth
But we accept it and move on.

(Post deleted by staff 4 years ago)
bonbono831: Wow!!
4 years ago Report