Warpath23 Offline

49 Male from Spring       34
carrie5574: I like to chatabout whatis on thenews.
News is of interest, when the subject is anything other than the prez or whatever he is involved in can be a conversation, but they call it fake newsif he is involved. That is stupidity at a new level. N3wsis news, if they don't want the prez in it they should tell him.
6 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (2)
ellepablo: From what I see you are just here to harass women. Pathetic that a 43 yr old man gets his thrills from being a vile repulsive sleaze. You messaged me and asked if a grown man had played with me when I was a child. That alone tells me exactly the sort of 'person' you are
6 years ago ReplyReport
alexgal9999999: Leave me right out ty
6 years ago ReplyReport