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Amanda Bynes .. Weirdness makes sense

When you take a step back from how weird Amanda Bynes is. A lot if things make sense.

I remember years ago there was a stir about a supposed twitter account claiming to be Amanda under the name "Ashley Banks"

After the airing of "Quiet on set" a lot of people took notice. Amanda was a major part of it. It talked of how weird her relationship with Dan Schneider was. From her massaging his fat neck,on set to a creepy hot tub interview. They would rehearse behind closed doors.

How she had 2 shows created by Dan. The Amanda Show" and "What I Like About You" on the WB. How the WB distanced them.

Anyway a lot of people have resurfaced these accounts. One tweet claimed she had an abortion at 13 because of Dan Schneider and that's why,she cant have babies.

She retired from acting in like 2010-2012. And went through substance abuse. Eventually she announced she was no-polar and yada yada. But not until after she tweeted her father molested her. Which she revanted after some time on meds.

She's kinda fucked up. But it makes sense.

How does one go from a huge child star.. To a fucking nail technician? Someome who has a degree in fashion and marketing to doing nails at the "gorgeous pretty beauty nail salon"

There are psychological signs.

People sexually abused will stop bathing. Wear baggy black clothes and go out of their way to be unattractive. Possibly get fat.

You take a look,at how she looked in 2010 and jow she looks now. She's trying to tell the word but they made her seem insane.

I think if she told her story now. We would believe her. After the revelations.

Its weird