solo dolo (versachy) Offline

32 Single Male from Waukegan       5
versachy: How come

They call it goodbye?

How come he dad had to die?

See I just getdruk and high

They got the good times

That I wish had with my pops

He wasn't a good guy

How come he still had to die?

As I protect my mother

'Cause I'm her oldest son

And there

Are different worlds

And we in the coldest one

Which one did grandpa go to?

And why do death come?

As my baby ask

Where do babies come from

I tell her where

I tell her why

And I tell her I love her

Until I tell her bye

And whenever

I shall I ever die

I hope you celebrate it

I hope you never hated

And they say heaven's gated

But I think I know the code

And let's get your life right

By the end of the road

That's why I drive alone

Down memory lane b

So if I crash

I hope ya'll

Remember V

12 years ago ReplyReport Link