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34 Male from Hampton       177

How to Vibe Well

Listen, everything is going to be okay... it’s surprising how many people need to hear that lol

You cannot have positive without negative, they go together...but “good vibes” have nothing to do with whether the wave you are currently on is positive or negative, and this is the source of the confusion... people who think that “good vibes” means they must ALWAYS stay positive tend to enjoy the positivity at first while it’s around, but then they think the world is falling apart at the first sign of negativity... but if you realize that “good vibes” has NOTHING to do with whether the wave is positive or negative, but it has EVERYTHING to do with how well* you ride the wave, then we start to see how one can always have “good vibes” or more accurate “how to vibe well”... if we can learn to face the negative waves with courage and honor, and we learn to face the positive waves with humility and generosity, then we will always “vibe well” 😉👍
TheSmilingMortician: Wrong wrong wrong
3 years ago Report
Salt water soul
Salt water soul: courage and honor, humility and generosity, those are the best waves to ride !!! ty,
3 years ago Report
Angel131313: ★
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3 years ago Report
the HORUS channEL
the HORUS channEL: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
3 years ago Report
MaIvado: I came here with my surfboard. Wrong meeting?

You’re right man, having the right outlook is a powerful tool.
3 years ago Report