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Kali Tribune podcast series: Conspiracy of Enlightenment 👇

We hereby present first in the series of podcasts devoted to arguably the first conspiracy theory, expounded by French secularized Jesuit Augustin Barruel in his voluminous work Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism.

To this day, Barruel’s book remains one of the prime sources for dangerous and troublesome research of occult history of modern world. It is usually, and quite improperly, dubbed the first anti-masonic conspiracy book. In reality, Memoirs presents us with the thesis that real agents behind Novus Ordo Seculorum, surging into light of day in the form of French Revolution of 1789., were not primarily Freemasons but people who called themselves “philosophers” – the members of the intellectual movement now celebrated under the moniker of French Enlightenment.

Conspiracy of Enlightenment - Part 1

We continue with the introduction to Augustin Barruel’s "Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism", a veritable historical nucleus of modern conspiracy theory. In this episode we deal with what Barruel calls “Anti-Christian conspiracy”, i.e. a push to abolish both political and epistemological domination of religion and metaphysics, embodied in Catholic Church.

We proceed to depict his thesis that the inciters of this subversive movement were followers of Enlightenment led by Voltaire and how it plays out into idea that what we today consider to be mainstream world-view was once a subversive movement. This episodes concludes with remarks on seeming paradox of congeniality of Enlightenment style rationalism and occultism. In the third episode we’ll dwell some more on this historical fact made manifest by collaboration with- or subversion of Freemasonry by Enlightenment philosophists.

Conspiracy of Enlightenment- Part 2

In the third episode of our series on first real conspiracy theory we come to the moment you all have been waiting for: occult lodges of Freemasonry and their role in the French Revolution, as depicted by Barruel.

Conspiracy of Enlightenment - Part 3
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