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Jay Dyer: “ I list my central reasons for finding Islam contradictory and reference the longer video lectures that cover the specifics.”

Top 5 Reasons I'm Not a Muslim
1 year ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (3)
urbeautifulsoul1: Very good Jay Dyer
1 year ago ReplyReport
Legend_of_Link: One of the reasons Jay mentioned is that Islam does describe Jesus as a prophet and not a son of God and that Jesus has the same attributes of God.

A bit later Jay also says that Jesus has worshipped, worshipping doesn't assert equality, it asserts submission which is what Jay said about Islam and how God is seen in Islam , that all creation submits to Him.

So actually he proved Islam correct without noticing.

“Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will’” (Matthew 26:39).

From various text, the way Jesus prayed has totally vanished from the churches today.. no kneeling or bowing but singing and music. Which is a further evidence that Jesus is not being followed in the way he believed and worshipped God and that goes along with what Islam says about Christians being misguided.
1 year ago ReplyReport
FL_CountryMama: There's a difference between prayer and worship. I'd also argue that there's a difference between corporate prayer and how we pray when we're alone. The moment of Matthew that you quote was a moment of desperation and pleading. It wasn't Jesus only prayer style. There were prayers of the forgiveness of sin...prayers of supplication..prayers of enlightenment.... I would also argue that I've seen plenty of churches that do the bowing and kneeling.. I also know many people whose personal prayer time is spent kneeling. And though the bible gives examples of Jesus praying there is one specific time when told people HOW they should be praying- Which many have come to know as the "our father"- but I digress I feel that it's the position of our hearts that God looks at and not the position of our bodies.
1 year ago ReplyReport