Tranquil_Tiger Offline

33 Single Male from Fairbanks       0

Tranquil_Tiger: One rose stands alone... Two pedals extend grasping light to share.. Three Blades of grass circle and comfort... Four butterflies flutter around at the beauty... Five children running and playing joyfully... six parents calling them all home... Starting at one, and one is enough to play a bigger role than anyone may ever realize.
12 years ago Report Link
Tranquil_Tiger changed his profile picture: 12 years ago Report
L0V3LY1: hey you. how have u been?
12 years ago Report Link
Tranquil_Tiger: I've been good how have you been sorry been busy so i havn't came online to chat with people
12 years ago Report
Tranquil_Tiger: i laugh and sing, i cry and weep, but i smile today cuz never should there be a day when nobody does.
12 years ago Report Link
Tranquil_Tiger added a new image to his album Profile Pictures 12 years ago Report
Tranquil_Tiger changed his profile picture: 12 years ago Report
Tranquil_Tiger: I say dont judge someone for whom they seem to be.. no matter who anyone is we are all still beings, doesnt matter what the difference is, we were all created, and all beautiful in someones eyes. to judge some on race, religion, sexuality, gender, whatever is wrong you think your better than someone you yourself are lower than the dogs on the street, can you not compliment a flower standing tall though a petal is gone. why cant you do the same to everyone you meet. im my eyes all of us are flowers waiting to be plucked water nourished and appreciated for what we are.. I say this world is cruel unfair and over all full of unwanted judges. So for anyone who care to view my profile.. dont be an ass and be nice to someone today, try your best and give the next person you see a compliment make them understand that there is peace in the world who know the person you say somthing to could be struggling in life and you may have just saved them.. be kind, be gentile, be loving, be peaceful.. --Tranquil--
12 years ago Report Link