tracylady_2007 Offline

44 In a relationship Female from Elizabethtown       3

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the new movies any1 has seen (H)
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Just to beable to come on in, put your feet on the table yourself and chat freely
People 11779 members
Hello all!  This is a club where you can come chill and discuss and trade suggestions on books.  Every Genre of book is welcome for discussion in here.  I'm a major book worm myself and i love books....
Books 1633 members
=) I truly believe that when you smile your mood improves and a happy mood is a happy mind-frame. A happy mind-frame produces happy thoughts. And thoughts materialise! S M I L E more!
Lifestyle 1527 members
just talk and relax...
Activities 1198 members
for any one that things its wrong for a man to beat on a woman.
Activities 623 members
Off Topic 59 members
im so sick and tired of guys trying to get with me guys cheating on like seriously id rather you say i dont love you and it be true then you saying i love you babe but its just a lie stick to one...
Activities 26 members
ye fill in the blanks
Activities 19 members
Activities 14 members