(Post deleted by oO Cyclops Oo 11 years ago) oO Cyclops Oo: In Vedic Tradition, this Awareness (Being) is symbolized as Shiva. The Rishi's found that Awareness cannot exist without the Energy (Sakthi) manifestation in the body. Similarly without the Energy (Sakthi), this Awareness also cannot exists. When the Sakthi (Energy) manifestation is absent the "Shiva" (Awareness) becomes "Shava" (Dead). So life is this awareness-Energy manifestation state or "Being". Sakthi (Energy) is present everywhere in the body and she is the wife of Shiva, the Awareness. Thus Shiva and Sakthi are half and half, which means one cannot exists without the other. Puranas says that without Shiva (Awareness) there is no Sakthi (Energy) and without Sakthi (Energy) there is no Shiva (Awareness). This is why they are depicted in Ardha-naareeshwara (Half male half female - see picture) form. The Pancha Bhootas (Bhutas) , the five elements is the manifestation of Energy (Sakthi) and Awareness (Shiva). oO Cyclops Oo: The seat of Awareness is the head and highest point of the body also called "Kailas". This is why Shiva is depicted to be in the highest mountain peak on this planet Earth, the Kailas alias Himalayas. Crescent Moon on Shiva: mind creates world ,Infact it creates two worlds, the day-light world (waking) and the night-dream-world. Both the worlds seems to be so real when projected by the mind. We cannot deny both these worlds when the Mind projects them every day and night. In Vedic tradition , the Mind is symbolized by Moon and Consciousness by Sun, because Mind is illuminated by Consciousness, like moon illuminated by the Sun. Like the Moon growing and waning in two states of brightness and darkness phases, the Mind alternates in two worlds of bright reality (white Sukla-paksha) and dark-dream state (black Krishna-paksha). As long as we are alive in this body, Awareness is always present, whether mind is fully active or waking or in dream states. When an individual is in Awareness state, the mind does not completely die off, but stays like a crescent moon on Shiva's head. This is proved by modern scientific study that in deep meditative state the number of thought waves decrease considerably, because the individual transcends to the Awareness state. |