Friends | Hello I'm Tom I'm 52. I've never been married but hope to change that soon. very talkative, extremely outgoing and humorous. Send me a message for more information. I sometimes feel like I'm a football or basketball player who has sat on the bench all season long then the coach finally says okay we'll give you a chance. Have you felt that way about your personal life? Wishing that you were just loved for who you are and judged only by the content of your character. I am here anytime. tina_time7: My childhood friend of the family moved to Kentucky to be with her husband whom she met in a graphic design chat room. Not sure if this interests or helps you but I’m trying to be loving. 7 days ago • Report • Link 0 thomyancey1045 to JOYfulness22: Hi Joy happy day before the 4th. I'll never forget where U was on this day six years ago. Or what happened two weeks after that. thomyancey1045 to wonderfullymade139ps: Hello happy Sunday to you. You had liked my profile. Would you like to talk sometime? |