ThngsThtGoBzzzzz Offline

56 Single Male from Pottstown       200
ThngsThtGoBzzzzz: Ok, I've kept my mouth shut for 2 days, well, maybe a day and a half. Now, I've found the entire transcript from our Presidents rally speech, after listening to it 3 times. So now I'll post the only place to find the transcript . What I'll ask is, how many of you actually listened to the speech, or read the transcript before you jumped on a bandwagon? I have been more than polite, I have been more than forgiving. Now I'll say it one last time, educate yourself before you speak, it will do you better in the long run :whistle
3 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (4)
ThngsThtGoBzzzzz 3 years ago ReplyReport
josephus1959 3 years ago ReplyReport
(Post deleted by cataraxia 3 years ago)
cataraxia: I had to copy the link to open it...I wasn't able to hear the speech, but will listen now and form an opinion. Thank you for posting!
3 years ago ReplyReport