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Witchy Witch (TheWitch) Offline

66 Single Female from Sydney       26

TheWitch changed her profile picture: 11 years ago Report
TheWitch got the I ♥ U badge from AimzThaBrat 12 years ago Report
Fancy500: ~*~*BEAUTIFUL HEART AWARD*~*~*~*~*
Once you have been given this award, you are supposed to paste it on the wall of 8 people who deserve it,. If you receive more than 3, you know you are really beautiful! If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's always sweet to know that someone thinks you're...beautiful inside and out, and every single one of you ARE completely !!
12 years ago Report Link
AimzThaBrat: TSMACK* You've been hit . Did it hurt? Bette Midler wasn't complaining You have been considered one of the prettiest girls ever Thats right, Once you've been hit, you have to hit 15 pretty girls . If you get hit again you will know that you are really pretty . If you break the chain , You'll have uglyness for 10 years . I can't risk it so hit 15 pretty girls on your friends list to let them know that they are pretty ps sorry i cant afford to be ugly for 10 years lol
12 years ago Report Link
TheWitch got the Cookie badge from cattsss 12 years ago Report