Friends | bhryudin: This comment has been deleted 5 years ago • Report • Link 0 View all 115 posts theKnaveofNevermore: ah, yes i don't watch the vid, but the music is particularly enthralling, actually i almost never watch the vids, utube is mostly a an unopened file, i can hear it but remain focused elsewhere. yes i was into the talking heads right from the beginning but remain in light was the first album i possessed and still my favorite. the great curve is a killer tune. theKnaveofNevermore: one of my fave musicians treating one of my fave beatles tunes, how could i resit. View all 5 posts Mew_: Im just happy xmas is over.:/ Bring on the New Year. Soooo...wishing you the bestest New Year Knave. View all 10 posts kschmo7177: Welcome back...favourite picture, it is the one on the wall in my bedroom that I can see from the bed. theKnaveofNevermore: well we,ve turned a corner ladies and gentlemen, canada as of just a handful of days ago has joined only a handful of nations in this world to legalize devil weed, the worst is anticipated, i anticipate a shortage of dingdongs and doritos, but the fear runs much deeper a many hand wringers see the inevitable collapse of western civilization and the lowering of social standards across the board. ah yes ask not for whom the bong tokes, it tokes for thee. as for now however one may place orders on line through a government run distribution agency, and contraband, er, legal product, old habits, will be received via venerable government run snail mail. actual brick and mortar stores will be open for walk in trade in the new year, as of april 1st. ( fools day, anyone else see the irony) in the first twelve hours of legalization the government received one million orders averaging fifty bucks apiece, ( people are already getting their noses bent out of shape over the increased cost. the street dealers are still a better deal) but even with this reality, they cleared a cool 50 million dollars right out of the gate. for my part i do not believe much will change, the people who have always used, , will continue to do so, a handful of people in their 30,s 40,s and older who never tried it will be curious and end up scaring the crap out of themselves and never touching it again. like the two cops who ate some edible thc brownies and ended up having to be talked down out of a tree. oh yeah, true story. so the great experiment, as those who have their doubts like to say, begins, but with legalization, as the proponents point out, comes regulation, and the government will do what it does best, and regulate pot and make it nice and tidy, and most of all, profitable. welcome to new amsterdam, home of the red eye cafe. interestingly they threw a party to celebrate the legalization and it wasn't lost on anyone that since no actual legal pot has been distributed to the public all the celebratory weed being smoked at this gathering was black market. what could go wrong. View all 6 posts FistOfStone in reply to theKnaveofNevermore: i like the way the piano and rhythm come together in the lawyers guns and money song theKnaveofNevermore: ah, thanks giving, and i do give thanks for a long overdue and most earned and deserved long weekend, happy thanks giving, truly any day of the year. View all 6 posts theKnaveofNevermore: ha, i sit on my hill and watch the world go round, and like a fool i keep watching. View all 22 posts theKnaveofNevermore: tomorrow never knows, man that is iconic stuff, even for the beatles, john wrote it inspired by an acid trip, they were only just beginning to experiment in that direction. she said she said is that songs acid book end. check it out. theKnaveofNevermore: just a week, i go back on monday, i,ve been stockpiling shit. and now i return it to the universe. yahoo. theKnaveofNevermore: well i do declare, i have always depended on the kindness of strangers. ty ty . theKnaveofNevermore: 'An Irishman,s house is his coffin'. - james joyce. jesus christ, that is too real. lol. theKnaveofNevermore: sorry, love the shirt. nothing i can do. i suppose i could replace it with a friendly teddy bear avatar. View all 8 posts theKnaveofNevermore: hahah, so true, and really you have not lived till you awake without clothing with a towel for a blanket in a tub, in a bathroom you have never seen before. strange imagery looming out of the time fog, indeed. ha, but i have already said too much. haha. View all 6 posts theKnaveofNevermore: ah, yes i understand, and in the strictest sense i agree, i could call you a regretful pragmatist. but the description that was offered for the badge seemed more apt to my mind, the seeker. FistOfStone in reply to theKnaveofNevermore: one of my very first chat names when i was a teenager was reluctantseeker theKnaveofNevermore: i,m not around as much as i used to be, but i,m still here on weekends, or face book, either way really. View all 18 posts theKnaveofNevermore: gord downie the front man of the tragically hip, the band formed by a handful of 17 year olds way back in 1983, who together became the voice and sound of canadian pop music, as canadian as maple syrup and mounties, passed away this week, its wasn't unexpected, but this does not lessen the hole it has tron in the fabric of what we embrace as being all canadian. FistOfStone in reply to theKnaveofNevermore: very nice song, and - pardon the phrase - a tragic event ... r.i.p. gord |