thejokerz Offline

41 Single Male from Birmingham       39
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this world .. In which we live . In i have found the strength to carry on being the very best .In which i am as there . In a moment notice i have been amazed to know how much i have been loved by many who care about me so much for there . In happiness that as allowed me to smile as there i have shined from the love of other,s that have made me the extraordinary person . In which i am as there i have seen how they defined my life with word,s that only be spoken . In a feeling that can only b e touched upon this amazing feeling that accure,s . In this moment where we can see it begin and how it end,s as no matter where we go we be there together where we can reach out to the thing,s that matter to me as there . In a moment notice i will be there to give you the hope and the feeling of knowing that our friendship can last forever
8 years ago ReplyReport Link