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41 Single Male from Birmingham       39

~~~ Those ~~~

~~~ Those ~~~

Moment,s where you think of other,s as there are . Those who cherish the time,s that have shown other,s the mean,s to be happy and the mean,s to be kind to the people who have made a memory where a single thought is worth thinking about where there are many who can see hope in other,s that come into people live,s with a feeling that as made an impact on other,s who have . Those amazing friend,s who you can rely on when the time,s are tough and the time,s are filled with tear,s as they are there to take away your fear,s and hold you so dear to the as there they start becoming . Those thing,s in which you not to be scared about as they are the ones that want to see you smile in the sun light as there you will shine knowing that you can be mine as a fine friend that brought so much extraordinary feeling in someone life as there are . Those that are proud to have friend,s like these as they have the love that being loved as there they have no complaints just complements that will define them in every single detailed and description and when you leave them alone they begin to find the word,s that show how much you mean to them as it can be said in simple song or in a blog or in a poem that rhyme,s with thought,s and feeling,s that can be . Those kind of thing,s that make it so important to other,s that matter to you & ii as there you see how they can come across to be something incredible by the thing,s that they have done to me it here and now and the forever as always & forever