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41 Single Male from Birmingham       39

~~~ Understand ~~~

~~~ Understand ~~~

Understand that happiness is made to be happy
Understand that kindness is made to be kind
Understand that love is made to be loved
Understand that extraordinary deserves that little bit extra

Understand that the sun need,s to shine
Understand that the wind need,s to blow
Understand that the river,s need to flow
Understand that the thunder need,s to roar

Understand that there is a reason for everything
Understand that there is a reason for to have something
Understand that there is a reason for being more then anything
Understand that there is a reason for having nothing less then nothing

Understand that the truth is better then the lie
Understand that the honesty is best policy
Understand that the word,s you say can define the person you are
Understand that the reason why we have friend,s is the reason why i write these so they can know how much they are loved