darren dubberley (The bond) Offline

41 Single Male from Birmingham       38

~~~ From ~~~

~~~ From ~~~

This moment is where life as begun as there i have finally found this happiness that as allowed me to shine above the cloud,s and in the bluest of sky,s as there from this moment is where i have begun to cherish the goodness that you have given unto toward,s me as there in all that i have is all that i found from my pray,s that answered from above as there i discover the will to believe as that there it was dilevered with emotion,s and the feeling,s that as held my last breathe as long that i live from this moment on i have that chance to make this choice to become the very best that there is from this moment where ever dream will come true there i found something that so true for sure it is that amazing friend that provided me with the strength for when i weak as from that there i knew that everything i am is cause of you as that you gave me something that never go un forgotten as there you are this forgetable moment that from the very day where it displayed the definative moment that form of that moment that changed my life where i know that feeling that as given me the chance to become something that seem ,s to become a forever moment of one life knowing that you become thhe best thing as from that very thing as given so many reason to wake up and make throu another night as there we blow the candle light that can give something to e with as there you are not alone in life as there every one sink,s to the bottom as there every one see,m,s to be forgotten and there everyone seem,s abandoned but right there you have me from the year,s that will come