Teeth McQueen: Lol, you're awesome sarah. love this! 11 years ago • Report 2 Luck_of_Eos: ImpulsiveSausage looks like an EXACT combination between two of my ex boyfriends. I can prove this. ImpulsiveSausage: So, you had you had to combine two guys to get the sexinesss*/awesomeness*/supercalifragilisticexpialidocious-ness*, that is moi? I demand PROOF! * Not guaranteed Luck_of_Eos: well I can't just post their pics here. That's a violation of trust! Or past trust, or something. But I can prove it. Luck_of_Eos: Also, yes, I had to combine two guys to make one that looked like you, but I also dumped both of them. Just a friendly reminder. Luck_of_Eos: I should have waited longer to make that comment, now the rest of the day will just be a disappointment. ImpulsiveSausage: So much disappoint! and well Ive never known the feeling of being dumped(grade 6 doesnt count), so its in one ear out the other ;P . On the bright side, youre clever, and I can tolerate you, so were off to a great start! Luck_of_Eos: We are? We aren't even wire friends yet...what scale are you basing this on? Also, it took everything in me not to correct your spelling errors just now. You're welcome. ImpulsiveSausage: The scale in my brain (mind you Ive had a stroke so its questionable). Hell, give me a break, I've been working 14-17hr doubles every day straight since last friday. My mind and body are absolutely wrecked Emasculador: He could base it on the fact that you took the time to look through his pictures and conclude that he looks like your ex then feel the need to announce it. Also, his spelling isn't that bad. He's got "Your/You're" down and that's always a bonus. PsychicToilet: This picture has received far too many comments unrelated to the fact that this picture is perfect. Stay focused, people. Luck_of_Eos: Well, actually, I would have been finished had you not felt the need to insult me, so really...I'm blathering on because of you, Jagged. You're welcome. Teeth McQueen: Amen "thena. Let's concentrate on the IMPORTANT things in life namely: (1) 'thena's nails and general hot-pancake qualities, (2) ImpulsiveSausage's magnificent hair, (3) caligula's obsession with anal sex/latent homosexuality (things get better bro!), (4) chris' endearingly repulsive misogyny, (5) Luck's general awesomeness, (6) Sarah's owl-fixing prowess and amazing stick-figure caricatures, (7) Elle's desire to give me the silent treatment as of late , (8) Darshana's awesome new simpson's tattoo she won't show me, (9) basically everything about Bijou, (10) Messy's commitment to quit smoking if I stop buying leather shoes, and (11) SleepAwake's lies about knowing all the words to the secret verse in the fresh prince of bel air theme, but totally dropping the ball on skype. (12) Snow Queen being the hottest architect in all of whatever cool Scandinavian country she's from. (13) anxiety about not buying anymore leather shoes (see #10 above) Caligula the 2nd: Teeth, as a response I have one thing to say, and I'll say it in voice form http://vocaroo.com/i/s0ButZWrqqUz (Post deleted by Teeth McQueen ) |