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101 In a relationship Male from Hartford       212

Eric Garner / the Police

The video of the recent murder of Eric Garner is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. While the Ferguson case presented questions (conflicting forensics/testimony, etc), this situation is terrifyingly clear. The proposed solutions are apparently useless: 1. Body cameras: Nope. Filmed cops aren't charged. 2. Demilitarizing police: Nope. Garner's killer used his hands. 3. A more diverse police force: Nope. NYC has one the most diverse police forces in the country. After this grand jury decision, no one should be confused about the role of the police in our society. If you are still calling for "better relations" with the police, you're delusional. REAL TALK: The police are at war with our communities and people keep acting like we're just friends in an argument. We need to find ways to curb the power of police, to limit the amount of police, to monitor and confront them when they attack us. I'm sick of this shit.
PaleBurnedAcid: It really is unbelievable that this is still happening in this day and age in a country that is meant to be the most progressive country in the world.
10 years ago Report
Sensualgoat: ACAB
10 years ago Report
Halfapintdoll: It's disgusting!
10 years ago Report
Cassini: Not here to start a fuss, and yes i agree this officer should bare the full penalty, I would not defend his action in any way. tho there is very little information to draw conclusions that garner was exactly innocent and that there was not some pretty bad stuff goin down.
I am open to other perspectives here.
however i want to bring to light -

10 years ago Report
lazerbeak: its not a war cassini, and even if it were, id be really hard pressed to believe the police are anywhere near higher in bodycount than civilian casualties. These people are trained professionals who have taken a vow to serve and protect society, yet for some reason, though theyve chosen this dangerous profession, feel their lives are more valuable than members of that society, and are prepared to use lethal force at the drop of a hat to protect themselves. it seems directly at odds with their alleged purpose to me, but what do i know.
10 years ago Report
lazerbeak: and for christs sake eric garner was a fat man selling looseys on the corner, what are you even talking about?
10 years ago Report
Cassini: ah, i agree lazer, that wasnt quite the context i was trying to shed light on mind you.
point im trying t make is, there are 2 sides of the fence, and there are rocks being thrown from both sides of it.
Id like to think enough of the "force" is in it for the right reasons eg people trying to help people. But i totally agree with Teeth here, the balance of power is waaay not in civilians court.
thats pretty much it.
10 years ago Report
Cassini: yeesh. ok. forget i said anything.
10 years ago Report
still-frame.: I think I've heard far too little discussion of the role that use of police as enforcers in alleged "Quality of Life" or "broken windows" type approaches may have played here. The greater the scope of activities that political figures embue police with full legal authority to act as agents of governmental force on, the greater the number of instances of harmless people dying over maddeningly insignificant shit.

Also, much focus has been directed on the chokehold/headlock Garner was placed in, but from what I've seen, relatively little on the compression of his chest and/or positional asphyxia that seemed to be a perhaps greater factor in his death.
10 years ago Report