I'm gonna start blogging real shit.
Since getting clean (3 months hooray?) I spend a lot of time alternating between hating myself, oversleeping, having panic attacks, and just being plain old mentally deranged. However, between these sad episodes I do really have some genuine albeit fleeting moments of crystal clarity. I’ve decided that, since I no longer have friends or family I am not estranged from I’m going to go ahead and blog some of the thoughts I have. If for no other reason, I’d like to have them down in print so that I can refer back to them when i’m not thinking with the same amount of lucidity.If you have feedback for me I could totally use it. If you think my thinking is really faulty, please let me know. If you think i’m being an oversharing needy attention whore, you’re right, but that’s basically all i really know how to be. The point is I could use the input, as living completely in my own head has really lead me some bad places and I want to change.