Teeth McQueen Offline

101 In a relationship Male from Hartford       212

Kindness is like gene game theory with more math (or, I am high and I listen to a lot of National Public Radio)

If natural selection is an indifferent process where traits that cause reproductive success are selected for and traits that reduce reproductive success are selected against, then how can a trait that doesn't on face increase reproductive advantage exist? Put another way, how can natural selection account for a behaviour that makes us less likely to survive?

Selflessness/altruism is a great example of such a behaviour. We know animals compromise their own well-being (and by extension reduce their own reproductive success) to benefit other animals. It's inconsistent with natural selection, but we know it happens. So, I guess life isn't just a cold recursive (not too sure I'm using this word correctly) process of passing on traits that are beneficial in the game of passing on traits. LOL JK. It turns out- it sooo is!

rB > C. This means genes for altruism evolve if the benefit (B) of an action exceeds the cost (C) to the individual once relatedness (r) is accounted for (i.e., even if it looks selfless it is not, because your genes did the math and you're altruistic act is really aimed at increasing the reproductive success of your genetic relatives.)

So remember, kindness doesn't exist. Stay frosty.

NPR: http://www.radiolab.org/2010/dec/14/equation-good/

Also, Plants Are Dickheads Too: www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/02/130201132334.htm
Quotidian: Louie, are you trying to tell us that without the Ten Commandments people would still act in a generally moral fashion?
11 years ago Report
Teeth McQueen
Teeth McQueen: I'm saying this:

(1) The virtue of kindness/selflessness/altruism does not exist in the true sense. It is a self-interested strategy hard-wired into us aimed at securing the continuation of as much of our own genome as possible.

(2) The Big Ten are part of the bigger picture. Morals/normative values are a set of premises we were hard-wired to scribble on some stone tablets so that we could normalize the decision-making we use while sleepwalking through this grand game theory/prisoner's dilemma model we're calling "life."

(3) So, the direct answer to your question is: "Yes, but..."
11 years ago Report
Quotidian: There's probably a reason why rape isn't a part of the big ten... gotta pass dem genes, na'mean?
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 11 years ago)
Teeth McQueen
Teeth McQueen: <3Hitch<3.

My top serious most favourite lefty trotskyite turned racist neocon. What a difference a day makes (esp when that day is 9/11)
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 11 years ago)
Bijou: I'm so conflicted about Hitchens.
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 11 years ago)
Bijou: Heyyy that's in my city.
11 years ago Report
AsthmaticKitty: heyyy, that's in my university.
11 years ago Report
Bijou: heyyy that was my thunder first
11 years ago Report
BloodandChocolate: Reductive = You
11 years ago Report
Dr CheeseBot 5000
Dr CheeseBot 5000: Heyyy, that's in my living room you guys!
11 years ago Report
AsthmaticKitty: Cheese wins.
11 years ago Report
Teeth McQueen
Teeth McQueen: do you not see the insane amount of irony involved in "reductive = you" ?
11 years ago Report
Teeth McQueen
Teeth McQueen: oooh, i get it now. you do. nice one.
11 years ago Report