tbears Offline

64 Divorced Female from Linn       91
tbears: this is true it did happen yesterday!!going to my drs. apt. my small town mom that lets ppl walk across the street. well anyway here we are going down a busy street there is this middle age lady standing there at the corner across the street was a bus stop ( I guess mom thought she wanted to go there) the more I think about it I think she was a prostitute lol mom had to go round the block cause she thought we had to go down that road she was on to go to drs office and the lady was still there so she didn't want to cross the street like mom thought to begin with so I think what I thought I right????
9 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (1)
tbears: I never told her what I thought but did want to hide in the car if she was!
9 years ago ReplyReport