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71 Single Male from Napa       150


My Gratitude To Karma

Most of my friends know Karma. She's kind of my buddy. She's certainly one of my closest friends here in Wireclub. I've known her for well over three years now.

And most of my friends are only too aware of how dedicated I am to posting my photos and other images here in Wireclub. You know how I've spent endless hours experimenting with the workings of "New Wireclub," searching for the best way to work Wireclub for the best way it will allow me to display my pictures.

But what most of my friends don't know is that none of this would be possible without Karma. She's my guinea pig, my test pilot.

There's no way that I'd be able to work these things out without running them by someone, testing them on an actual Wireclub user to see if they would actually work or not. Karma has endured many, many hours of this over the last six months.

Karma has endured innumerable hours of patiently reading message after message in which I've discussed my ideas with her. More times than I can count, she's provided advice and feedback. There's no possible way I'd have been able to figure out all of this stuff without her assistance.

Not only that, but Karma has endured endless hours of my whining, complaining, cursing, punching my computer in frustration as Wireclub has tried to figure out just what in the hell it wants to do, and how in the hell it wants to work.

I simply could not do what I do without her help.

This May Be The Most Pointless Forum Thread In The History Of Wireclub

(originally posted January 14, 2012 - edited April 21, 2012)


My Big Stupid Project Is Almost Finished

More than two and a half months ago I began the project of converting what used to be "Picture Blogs" into "Albums." There were 155 to convert. Minutes ago, I completed #154.

One more to go.

It's been a challenging, frustrating, often agonizing process. It has continuously rubbed in my face the sad fact that this "new, improved" Wireclub is technically a lemon.

Using the Old Wireclub blogs as the means of permanently presenting my pictures had plenty of drawbacks. It wasn't designed for that purpose. The Albums of New Wireclub ARE designed for that. And, hypothetically, they function better for that purpose.

But New Wireclub has never worked right. It continues to be plagued with every imaginable technical glitch. And the process of converting these old blogs into new Albums has subjected me to an endless ordeal of glitch-frustration. Sometimes I was able to overcome these stupid glitches. Often I wasn't. For some reason, the inner workings of this new Wireclub format simply refuses to accept text for certain Albums. There's no reason. It's not a matter of Administration censorship, or anything like that (although that has been an issue, as well). It's purely a problem of a technical nature.

It pisses me off enormously.

At any rate, this ordeal is just about finished. Throughout this two and a half months, I haven't been posting ANY other pictures. I've still been using the camera, but I've refrained posting those pictures until this massive task is finished. The reason is organizational in nature.

I was determined from the beginning to have my Albums arranged chronologically. It's the only thing that would make any sense given the vast quantity of pictures I've posted. At first, the new arrangement dictated that Albums would have a default arrangement according to size, placing the largest ones at the top of the list, the smallest at the bottom. Thankfully, they realized just how FUCKING STUPID that arrangement was, and went chronological. So I can work with that. My Albums are arranged chronologically. They're numbered in that regard. As I make new Albums, they'll also be numbered, and go into the order that way.

So ...

After I post that final album - #155 - I'll start into the next project, one MUCH smaller in scope, of dealing with the backlog of pictures that have accumulated on my hard drive during this four or five months since the "BIG CHANGE" to New Wireclub. It won't take too long to do that, and that task won't be nearly as intensive. It'll take a couple of weeks or so, perhaps.

After that's finished, I'll settle back into the same routine I've been using for the last three years. New pictures will be placed in the "My Images" Album, a default album that essentially replaces what used to be the "Picture Gallery" in Old Wireclub. It's kind of a "dump" for new pictures. And I'll also be periodically removing pictures from the My Images Picture Dump and organizing them into new

One of the "defaults" of the new Pictures page is that posting any new picture in an Album automatically places it at the top of the list. So when I finally get this task completely finished, completely up-to-date, the "My Images" default Album will always be at the top of the list. (At the moment, it's down at the bottom because I've refrained from posting anything in it.) Keeping this arrangement will require me to occasionally "bump" that "My Images" Album to the top of the list somehow, so as to avoid having it descend down into the numbered, chronologically listed Albums where it doesn't belong. I'm not quite sure how I'll do that, but I'll probably delete - and then re-post - the last "My Images" picture to cause the "bump." That seems to me to be the least annoyingly repetitive clutter-inducer on people's Home page "walls."


This blog is finished.