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69 Female from Yaphank       2


Busy Busy Yuk

Almost done, just gotta get all the garbage out of the way and relax for the summer.Tired of all the work.


Although I hate cleaning, I like the results. I am running around getting as much done as possible. I haven't even had time to come online too often. College classes are getting to the crazy point now as well. There are about three weeks before the end of semester and I have papers to write and hand in too. o boy


I have allot of homework to do for English class and just don't feel like doing it. I have taken some time up cooking and saying hi to friends. I'll probably get going in a few moments, but right now I just don't want to. The stuff is due by the 11th. Allot of things are drifting across my mind good, uncomplicated things that make me feel good. I am not worrying for once. I guess I'll get the homework done as I am getting A's in the course, don't want to mess that up.


It feels so good to have made so many new friends. I like to chat with them often


"Happiness runs in a circular motion" can't remember who sang it but it's running through my head. Am having a great day and evening. We are talking instead of fighting and that's the best. After all these years it's good to know your still loved.

another one today

Fight over it's tiring but it happens. I always get sad when we fight.
I have to watch Blade Runner for my English class. The book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep was isperation for the movie and it will be on the mid-term or final.

So sad, hurting, fighting with hubby both saying mean things to each other
he left to go to work. nothing settled. Where do we go from here?

I am thrilled to be meeting new people. I like the idea that they are not all in the US. It's a new learning experience for me.

Mid term for English is next week and I'm not sure I'm ready. My mind is jumping from subject to subject, its hard to concentrate. I feel real ditzy today

A new month

Been going crazy, classes are getting more difficult,demanding much time.
Couple weeks ago started diet and exercise program, lost two clothes sizes.
Very Happy about that.
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