Friends | saeed87: This comment has been deleted 15 years ago • Report • Link 1 shaijoon: Andy Warhol; : “fantasy love is much better than reality love. Never doing it is very exiting. The most exiting attractions are between two opposites that never meet.” Marjansally: "I'LL BE THERE.. -When no one is there for you -When you think no one cares -When the whole world walks out on you -When you think you're alone ILL BE THERE.. -When the one you care about most could care less about you -When the one you gave your heart to isn't -When someone throws something in your face ILL BE THERE.. -When the person you trusted betrays you -When the person you share all your memories with cant even remember your birthday ILL BE THERE.. -When all you need is a friend to listen to you whine -When all you need is someone to catch your tears ILL BE THERE.. -When your heart hurts so bad that you cant even breathe -When you just want to crawl up and die ILL BE THERE.. -When you start to cry -Or when hearing that sad song -When the tears just won't stop falling down ILL BE THERE.. *So you see I'll be there until the end *This is a promise I can make *If you ever need me *Just give me a call and.. I'LL BE THERE. |