Friends | Mostly a smartass, sometime flirt. LESBIAN! Not my first rodeo. LESBIAN! Finding myself a little more reserved now. LESBIAN! Not a friend collector. princesspnut22: not sure if you saw my comment on your post to yari - but i'll type here too, basically, this week she was due to fly out to europe. i'd been talking to her allot before she went about EU 'things', anyways, the same day she was due to fly out, her wire account deleted. so i have no clue what happened. earlier in the week she was securing up her apartment before going. so i am pretty concerned. i HOPE in like two weeks we see her show up with a new screenname. i didnt have any indication she was deleting her account. 3 months ago • Report • Link 0 seashelle1979: My warmest wishes for Christmas, to all my friends, here. May your day be filled with peace and joy, whatever you do and however you celebrate, this Holiday. seashelle1979: So about 3 "Getting To Know You" messages in, comes the "Can you send more photos?" Ummm,,, yeah, no,,, I don't think so. |