Scopinitout1 Offline

124 Male from Grand Rapids       214

Go Time!

Ohhhh, you ladies will love this one! lol!

Well, our next door neighbors finally had their baby, their first. The mother was soooo cute - looking like she would was fall over forward, she was so unbalanced. And he ... well, he's been walking around for months with that smug grin on his face. You ladies know that look all too well, right? And you guys - I'm sure most of you know what he was feeling like!

And here they did all the LaMaze classes ... experts in their field. SUCH anticipation! Think of the opportunity he had to be her hero! Well, the call finally came - she was feeling those pains ... GO TIME! And was he ready? Sure ... to eat! He sat down at the table, thinking "GO TIME" meant it was time for supper!
StolenHeart: lmao
14 years ago Report
sweetnsassygal77: lol figures
14 years ago Report
libbylou_37: Men lol..... I bet he nearly fainted in the delivery room too lmao.....sometimes i think men should stay outside and leave the women at it hehehe
14 years ago Report
rgrbjolly: lol, 2 questions.. was he a nervous compulsive eater, or a stress eater? or was he affraid she would ask him to eat the placenta? LMAO!... "can't baby, I'm full already.." hehehehe
14 years ago Report