Friends | Big time tech nerd. Love to learn new things. Love to help others, if I can. SchonTheSpurious: So today is the one year anniversary of my ordination! 5 years ago • Report • Link 0 SchonTheSpurious: I love you. Words I've spoken to you repeatedly, but ones that never cross your lips. Saying them to you is like speaking them into an empty room. They echo loudly around, over and over. The only way I'll ever hear them is when they reverberate back to me, as they die from the final time I will ever utter them... SchonTheSpurious: My first poem, go easy LOL. When you're not around, the world is the darkest of places. A darkness that grips your heart and squeezes. Then, like a miracle, you arrive, lighting the sky with brilliant stars and the brightest of all moons. When I see you, my breath catches, and my heart nearly stops. I feel as if the world would end without your caring presence, there to bring out the best in all of us. Without you, there is only nothing. SchonTheSpurious: My newest nifty computer case for my server |