scandinavianjewel Offline

58 Female from Silverdale       9
i love animal's, i enjoy camping night's out, food and drink i'm sweet kind

springtree1961: Remember what honesty looks like in others?
I am waiting until those hoovering around you depart, waiting patiently to speak with you in private with all respect and consideration. Not getting my hopes up or wondering where this is going. This is my first contact with you. First off LDR , Long distant relationships don't work for me because I'm a passionate romantic feely, touchy guy and seek a response from those I'd like to hang around with more than just for coffee or whatever. I don't drink coffee. I find it hard to believe that you don't have anyone special in your life right now, but will never rule out the possibility that you don't. I always also try to think from your side of the fence about what you think about, feel, desire and wish for that you can't tell others about, Your craving for Peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, you desire to go the movies with someone or go to the movies in your living room snuggled up with someone, you desire for someone top hold you and communicate with you by looking into your eyes & not say anything. Did you recently have a birthday? What is your name? Your desire for other events to take place which I'm not at liberty to discuss with you until I have first captured your heart.
Despite what everyone else says good about you, I know you have a dark side that may be spoiled and rotten that hardly anyone knows about that irritates others of opposite gender. But we all have that. I'm not here to criticize you or cut you down, just being honest. How close to the target am I getting? It would be nice to win your heart, devotion, commitment and other characteristics, but require a few changes to take pace first.
If you would like to read this email more than once, I encourage to do so. If you have questions, comments or would like to strike up a conversation with me?.... I wish you would, if you'd like to be curious, wonder about certain areas of my life and about me?.. I wish you would. So with that being said:, Now that I've served the tennis ball into your court, what are you going to do with the audience sitting on the edge of their seat in suspense as you hold them in amazement & wonder what you'll do next. One of 3 things will happen: 1. You'll watch the ball come on your side and stop at it's destination, 2 You'll catch the ball with your hand & throw it back at me, nailing me between the eyes as I become cross-eyed and plunder to the ground, or 3: You'll try to return the ball, return the communication and the game in progress. What will you do?
Or you could treat this email like you have many others and ignore it & let it go. In any case it was nice meeting you and thinking about you in my dreams, and no not that way either, not intimately. So Take care and Be careful in all your decisions you make, think twice & make sure.... anyway I hope to hear something back from you even if its a: " Hi thanks for your warm letter, but I'M NOT interested... Sorry" Bye. Chris Witt from Bremerton WA, 18 miles sw of Seattle.
6 years ago Report Link
6 years ago Report Link