sahara88 Offline

35 Single Male from Pensacola       1



*Takes a deep sigh*-- I write... to express... to share... a momento, a token of my mind to place into the meter of enlightenment. Buying time to breathe life into the deathly hollows of the unknown. A gift given to be shared. So, as a wise servant my talent will be multiplied, brought to flourishion by the grasping minds of those who listen, seen as a sentinel of thought to the eyes of those who gaze as at a wonder of mosaic. God's Hand as the Umbrella of my mind, allowing to observe the drops of wisdom without being drenched by the overtaking of self-induced insanity brought by much learning. I can only hope that as the words encase my mind and drip from my lips and fingers as the dew of a morning's rest, that they will take root in the minds and hearts of those to be blessed.


"I was once told to look in the mirror, to observe what was staring back, to look and take note of anything that needed to be changed or enhanced, anything to add to the vanity of the reflection's frame--- I looked... only to notice sifted dust staring back."

A Blog

So I guess these things are supposed to be exploitations of what we think at any giving moment..

Well--Here goes--

Everyone in life can agree that at times this earthly ship can be the most grueling of habitations-- Now when I say earthly ship I don't mean the Earth, I mean our bodies--
So much baggage is required to be carried by these things: emotions, mental exteemities and stress, and physical expectations--
All within this mesh is the ultimate responsibility to find a balance between the unevenly weighted packages.

Physical: having to maintain this destructable/replaceable , ever withering piece of work, which at the very moment we're born it begins to decay- So much time and focus must be expended to ensure that every ounce of what can be squeezed out of it as properly as possible is done.

Emotional: Love, hate, envy, sadness, excitement, depression, happiness, eagerness, expectation, anxiety, wishfulness, anger, loneliness--All In One Bottle--- Need I Say More?

Mental: The core of this entire collage of broken mosaic-- physical outcome must first be induced by the will of the mind-- Emotional well-being, or the lack thereof, is all a pawn in the mind's game-- hopefully whoever is in the game is on the winning side-- If things are well it is simply because our minds think that they are, as well as if things are bad -- The Mind thinks and so it is.

So what's the point of this blog?
dunno, I'm just thinking, you figure it out.....

A Moment of Reflection

A man was at home relaxing one evening, just got off work a few hours earlier and finally able to chill out. Sometime later he heard a knock at his door. The man hesitated to get up still wearied from the day-- "Who is it?" he yelled out, but there was no response-- The knock came again a minute later-- The man still not wanting to be bothered yelled out once again more forcefully "Who is it?", but still no response-

The knock came one final time-- the man decided to just ignore it-- "It must not be too important if they can't tell me who they are."-- The knock ceased.

The next day the man was on his way home, once again tired from the dreariness and repetitiveness of his day from which he had been looking to escape. He passed by an older gentleman holding a bag that looked as if it were about to be discarded, the weird thing is it had his name on it.

"Sir, excuse me" he said, "If you don't mind me asking, what's in the bag?". The older gentleman replied "It doesn't matter now, the person I wanted to give it to didn't want it.". The man suddenly was pale and confused, "What's your name sir?" The older gentleman looked back at the man as the bag mysteriously vanished--- "I'm Opportunity.


Why do I find myself breathless? The mere mention of your name steals the inhale that would have been mine, marking it as yours to keep as the sight of you redeems the exhale leaving me near lifeless.

You don't have to ask, I merely surrender, those lost bits of breath I still remember--suffocation of delight causing my desire to be in your presence and re-enter.

Never has communing with death been so eventful--I wander closer to the edge as the whisper of your name leaves me suspenseful. Beckoning as a Siren to any at sea who will listen, you find my ear in expectation of the awaiting conviction.

Leave me yet with one breath that I may give, to surrender as a gift to your vices.

I await the moment when once again I can be breathless.

Lost In Translation

It's funny how people say they want one thing, but when the opportunity is presented they do the complete opposite--- For example, every woman says they want a "nice, respectable guy to treat them right"- however; they always find themselves with the guy that's either a doughboy (for you ethnically challenged people that means "Drud-Dealer" lol), the guy with a criminal record, the guy with 20 kids and not taking care of any of them, or the guy that wants to go upside their head on a daily basis.

Or the person that says they want to be successful in life, but are taking no initiative to finish school (not that time matters, but at least before they die lol) and are 30 years old and still living with their parents-

Or (my personal favorite) the person that says "I Love You and I want to be with you" but as soon as the slightest upwind of adversity catches their senses they back-out or disown their emotions as non-existant--

I'm not concerned with "Why" it happens-- It basically boils down to people will always say what they think society wants to hear, or what they know in their right mind is the proper thing to do-- But down inside they are with by mental and emotional alchemy.

I merely find it interesting-- The one that "craves" stability happens to be the most unstable person--or the person that wants success happens to not acknowledge themselves as an inhabitant of stagnancy--

Thank goodness there aren't any translators for the human mind and intent-- They would hae quit a looooonngg time ago.

Ability Vs. License

The ability to do something isn't necessarily the license to do so-

TO CArni


Any Naysayers get the F*** out!!!!

The Art Of Thinking

The brain never truly rests, always in some form of thought either in heightened senses of surroundings of consciousness, or as iridescent murmurings of subliminal processes.

Activites of the day play as the puppet strings that in turn play a late act in revolving Shakespearean elegance of thought.
In scene I the actors of action take the stage to set imagery for the day. Laying in eminence the pattern of exquisite taste resting gently on the mind's palette.

Scene II - Rembrandt's grace esteems the slowly compiling canvas of colours of thought and begins to broaden the imagery of imagination.

To Be Continued... lol

The average human attention span in a classroom setting is about 30 minutes - After that point the mind begins to wander and the latter portions of the lesson are often blockaded by disinterest. What about in the classroom of life? How long does the attention span last? Long enough to learn and not let misatkes of the past replay? Or just long enough to skate by occupying space with an air of importance and meaning?