richard_d_lee Offline

60 Single Male from Edmonton       23


People want me to say Carmen is evil

ok Fine, Carmen the female assistant manager at the Pint on Jasper and 109 street is evil for kicking me out with false allegations. So what she's an evil lesbian or whatever.


Libya Part II

CNN tonight just said "Al Qaeda" which mimicks Col. Al-Qathafi. But I could swear that only England said "Al Qaeda" and CNN said "El Qaeda". But when I goggled "CNN El Qaeda" the only thing that showed up was "Al Qaeda". So as much as I wanted to accuse CNN of rewriting history goggle proved me wrong. support Obama because he was going to end the foreign wars and bring harmony to domestic North American issues (including America). Yet he launched more drone attacks into Pakistan than Bush the Second ever did. Today we learned Military men cost 3 billion but Military Defense "Vendors" cost 30 billion.

That explains all the cruise missiles Bush uselessly shot off and Drone attacks Obama uselessly shot off. It created 10 times more jobs and damn to hell the collateral damage (women and children).

Harley-Davidson is in deep ca-ca today

for the bike they parked on 109 street and jasper avenue today and the commercial news they just introduced on the weather network today.

1) If you own a harley park it.
2) If you own harley stock sell it.
3) If you are an international banker holding their 23 billion dollar bonds dump them.


Portugal, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain.

Put that is just the tip of the iceberg in this Animal Farm.

Why is it only bullies can print currency at will and have it's value (FIAT) intrinsically enforced at the barrel of a gun?

Yeah I wrote Piiigs last night in 13decents chat room and got booted out. Prior to that I threatened bad weather to the nay sayers. Whatever. I stand by the truth as I know it so far.

american social security...

american social security... is "invested" in us treasury bonds. So it is in essence simply another form of taxation because us treasury bonds are rolled over and will never be repaid. The chinese are the largest holders and they know this but they don't care because of the technology and financial systems they gain in the process.

Canadian CPP on the other hand is "invested" in quasi-real corporations in canada. On the other hand American's still claim to fame 8,000 tonnes of gold in the federal reserve where as canada has .2 tonnes of gold.

Indian on the other hand has 16,000 tonnes in private family vaults who could run that country for a long time. China on the other hand is the largest producer / miner of new gold each year.

yeah currency and bonds and gold is a difficult cross trade to manage but with enough people (traders) and computers you can manage this 10 trillion dollar per year trade.

austrALIA is a wild card.

I just tried to call my son again...

for the second night in a row. I was greeted by the in famous "CIA" beep for no connection. Yesterday I called to offer my bandana for the homosexual landscaping job his mother had him started. Of course every bone in my body cried out in agony he was sent to a homosexual job.

Today I tried calling a second time and got the ciA beep.

You people faced with pestulance (siw) have to understAND How evil you are for destroying my children and our Home Office.

This is a PSA "Red Alert" for the Phillipines...

I just told my roommate the Phillipines was one of the nations at war against me to destroy my children, home, finances and business, etc.

oopsie, "my bad" (in Singapore "tong" speech)

Last afternoon talking to Trixie and Shannon at the Pint...

Last afternoon talking to Trixie and Shannon at the Pint... I was at a loss for topics what to bring up to them. After learning they were in Alberta Government Human Resources in charge of Strategic Recruiting I brought up DSK / Domonique Strahss - Kahn. Also Christine Lagarde. They accused me of not really being a construction worker at the parkade next to their offices but really an iinternational banker in disguise.

I was merely finding a topic that they would be aware of. As it turned out they were aware of DSK but not Christine Legarde.

Imagine my surprise this morning to find DSK and Christine Legarde plastered all over my TV screen.

Imagine my surprise that that Vivienne from the Huffington Post reporting from Paris had her connection cancelled as she was trying to say DSK was arrested on the eve of his visit to Germany where he had worked out a methodology for Greek Debt Restructuring (read default).

But the news today brings interesting points to light. A citizen of Guinea claims to be raped there to claim assylum in America. The wage of a hotel maid in NYC is 1,000 times higher than in Guinea. The life savings are 1,000 times higher. But the expenses are also 1,000 times higher, unless you get get government subsitized housing. Which the maid got by lying and saying she had 2 children. I had 2 children and was denied government subsidized housing in Edmonton when my income was negative (below zero).

There are only verbal phone conversations recorded by the CIA to back up this testimony.

Plus my God Damned Word.