Red Dragon (Red Dragon 56) Offline

64 Happily married Male from Wolfeboro       6
I am a strong believer in the paranormal. I grew up in a house that had strong paranormal activity and saw an apparition in the same house. I am also very interested in Cryptozoology and UFO phenomenon.

Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 to crayola_blue: Hi Blue, I'm sorry if you worried but I'm OK. I had a brake. I checked my self in for a while. Things kind of got F---ed up. My wife is back and I've stopped drinking again. I hope I can catch you when your on some time. Thank you for your kind words. The Dragon is BACK. Love you friend. Later
7 years ago Report Link
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 added a new image to his gallery Red Dragons 7 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56: Thank You Blue with all my Heart :hugs:
7 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56 7 years ago Report
crayola_blue: Your welcome my friend you have so much strength look inside you will find it!
7 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 changed his profile picture: 7 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56: My opinion on life right now.
7 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 added a new image to his gallery Profile Pictures 7 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56: Sorry
7 years ago Report Link
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56: I got no one to talk to but my dog and she keeps telling me there's something wrong with the "Roof"
7 years ago Report Link
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 to crayola_blue: Blue where are you ? I need you right now.
7 years ago Report Link
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 changed his profile picture: 7 years ago Report
crayola_blue: Remember red you have the strength of a dragon and you can get through anything!!
7 years ago Report Link
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 added a new image to his gallery Chat Drops 7 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56: Missin all my friends. Wish I could on more. I hope--slash that--I prey everyone is happy and feeling loved. See you all soon
8 years ago Report Link
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 changed his profile picture: 8 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 added new images to his gallery Red Dragons 8 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 changed his profile picture: 8 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56: This whole thing is making me dizzy
8 years ago Report
crayola_blue: Miss ya too buddy! Hope you and the wife are doing well!!
8 years ago Report Link
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 to crayola_blue: YouTube Miss you. Sorry I don't get time to be on much any more. If I don't get back this song is for you.
8 years ago Report Link
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 changed his profile picture: 8 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56:
Astral Projection is it Real?
as·tral pro·jec·tion
The theosophical belief in the ability to send the astral body outside the physical body, while both remain connected
What is Astral Projection
The term “Astral” is derived from the Latin word “Astralis” meaning “Resembling the stars.” Because nobody classifies “Projections” under a certain group “Astral Projection” can basically be described as “Star Traveler “ So when people mention Astral Projection what does it really mean?

Since projections are variations of teleportation, we could say that astral projection is the most basic form of teleportation. In simple terms, Astral Projections or as some call them, Out of Body Experiences (OBEs) , are the experiences which a person seems to leave his/her body and to observe the world from a point of view other than that which he would have where he is still in his/her body
Astral Projection is the projection of the “Astral Body "which is considered to be an exact duplicate of the physical body. In a conscious state the two are considered to be aligned with each other. In an Astral State the Astral Body can be separated from the Physical Body and projected to another location or “Plane.” (as·tral plane--in theosophical belief, a level of existence where the counterpart of the human body astral body goes between death and entry into the spirit world.) Not to be mistaken for Dream State it is thought that in Astral State clear consciousness of self is maintained
It is believed that in this state “Spiritual Possession can not exist because the Astral Body is connected to the Physical body through a cord which supplies energy to both. Should this cord break a permanent projection of the Astral body would occur resulting in death to the physical body.

There are considered to be many types of Astral Projection. A simplified clarification of these is classified as “Unconscious and Conscious.” Unconscious or “Spontaneous Projections” are thought to be the most common. This is when the person experiencing the projection does not know how or why. Conscious or “Voluntary Projections” are much less common and is when the person experiencing the projection is conscious of it throughout the experience.

Classifications of Projections
Among believers in Astral Projection there is thought to be three major classifications. The first we will discuss is “Etheric Projection.” Etheric Projection, the traditional understanding of OBEs, is the theory must people think of when they talk about Astral Projection. In Etheric Projection the projector moves about in invisible or ghost-like form in a mundane physical reality in the Etheric body. This world may however have minor differences between the physical reality world we know if strict mind control is not maintained.

The second is actually what is referred to as “Astral Projection.” The traveler finds him/herself in an apparently real domain, analogous to the "other worlds" experienced by traditional peoples, which have no parallel to any physical setting or to consensus reality. Environments here may range from populated to unpopulated, artificial to natural to completely abstract environments and from beautific to horrific. Here, normal physical laws often do not apply and humans can often, for example, float or fly. Quality of physical detail ranges from crude, non-detailed and depressing to bright, vivid and fascinating.

The third classification is known as “Mental Projection.” Mental projection is projection of the astral body to the mental plane via utilization of mental energy while within the astral or etheric to phase into the Mental, or a different process used to project directly into the Mental Plane. The active subtle body of the mental plane is the mental body, which constitutes the intellectual consciousness of the projector in general. The environment is generally highly colorful and kaleidoscopic in nature, like the astral, and shifting consciously. The difference is that even mathematical functions and thoughts will manifest seemingly physically. The buffer zone between the astral and mental planes is known as the Akashic Records, and appears as a library of knowledge of past, present, and future possibility. There are many theories as to why the perceptions of these records and the mental plane in general differ from projector to projector, but the general consensus is that the Akashic records will appear differently, like a computer or library to different people at different times, and that the future is always sketchy and can often change mid-viewing to the projector.
In Conclusion
So---Is it possible? Can people really project their Astral Bodies to other places, other planes, other Worlds while still connected to their physical being? Can we mentally project our thoughts to the future? The Past? You decide. Oh, and don't forget to keep an opened mind. Who knows where it might end up.

I have included several links for your further study if desired. Please enjoy.
For the Believer - Believers point of view - How to Perform Astral Projection

YouTube - YouTube video (proof?) (Only the first half)

For the Nonbeliever - Sceptics point of view - Just a Mind Trip
8 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 added a new image to his gallery Red Dragons 8 years ago Report
crayola_blue: Awe missed ya too my friend!!
8 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 changed his profile picture: 8 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56: Damn Mexican Food
8 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 changed his profile picture: 8 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56: See! We did exist.
8 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 added new images to his gallery Red Dragons 8 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
8 years ago Report Link
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 added a new image to his gallery Profile Pictures 8 years ago Report
Red Dragon 56
Red Dragon 56 changed his profile picture: 8 years ago Report