Friends | queenannesrevenge: I am supposed to share something so here goes: I am recently separated and trying to put myself and my life back in some semblance of order. I enjoy talking to people from all over and all walks of life. I am as comfortable in a "mill hill" neighborhood as I am in a black tie dinner, Im just me regardless. I have some good things in my nature I suppose, if I'm your friend I will be there and back you even if I think you are wrong. I do not make a habit of lying, but will refuse to answer a question that I don't think you are entitled to the answer to in a second. I am moody as North Carolina weather, but I am also tenacious and don't give up or give in until way after the fat lady has sung and gone home. I'm trusting, maybe too much so, I know I give people too many chances sometimes, but when Im done I'm done. I like people who can carry on a conversation about a variety of subjects and who actually listen to what Im talking about. I like someone who has the rare ability to make me smile and even laugh which I have done too little of in the last few years. I paint, crochet, read, and spend time outdoors in my free time' I guess I'll end this with a couple things I've learned on this road called life the hard way: 1. There is no point going back down a dead end road again, no little fairies have come dressed in state construction worker costumes and made it go somewhere. and 2. The more a man comes on like smooth Kentucky sipping whiskey the more likely he is to come back up like bad bourbon. Yep Im scarred and cynical sometimes and I know I talk too much 1 year ago • Reply • Report • Link Collapse Show Comments (1) 2 goldsealtop: Baring your soul abit …. 10 months ago • Reply • Report 0 |