
What is special about July 26th?

Carl Jung, Mick Jagger and Kevin Spacey were born on July 26th. National Coffee Milkshake Day, National Aunt and Uncle Day, and National Chili Dog Day are celebrated on this day.

Wire 'improvements'

How is it that they'll take the time to make changes to format....fix blogs (although that took a ludicrous amount of time for them to get to), etc...but yet, people like billcc....who comes on here for the sole purpose of stalking and harassing people...dick has not ONE person on his friend list and his whole feed is literally him conversing with himself to shit talk people, and then creates accounts like ms. matzoball that he can hide behind to call people niggers,..........brandi, who posts pedophilic pictures of 'her' children, and then posts that anyone who doesn't get along with her messaged her asking for naked pictures of these kids............and then lower than scum, the lowest of the low.....the men who comment on these pictures of CHILDREN, things like 'mmmm'....'yum'......'sexy'......Wire finds it to be the utmost importance to change the color notification we get when someone messages you, but as for the people I just mentioned? Nope....just not important enough to give their attention to....

What is special about July 25th

In 1952, Puerto Rico joined the U.S. as a self-governing commonwealth. In 1999, Lance Armstrong became the second American to win the Tour de France. Walter Payton and Matt LeBlanc were born on this day. National Wine and Cheese Day and National Hot Fudge Sundae Day are celebrated on the 25th.

May 22, 2024

Wings are not only for birds; they are also for minds. Human potential stops at some point somewhere beyond infinity.

I mean, come on now....

I am now at a place wherein I have to look at their feeds so that I can keep note of their stalking nonsense.


They claim up, down and sideways that I'M stalking THEM.

If you noticed, I posted a quote earlier, "Guilty people run."

How would he even know about that unless he was obsessing himself with my every move like he, like they, always do?

They are complaining and having their friends complain and campaign to have me deleted, meanwhile, as I've stated before, if you look at my feed, they are rarely, if ever mentioned. If you look at their feeds, I am constantly mentioned. And then that leads to their friends/mimions feeling that they have to take up for them and defend them, and then I start getting nasty posts on my feed and umpteen complaints against me.

I do NOT want to hear, 'Just ignore it'. This has been going on for fucking years so do....not...fucking dare say 'Just ignore it.'
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