Pug Casso (pugcasso) Offline

52 Male from Halifax       17
pugcasso: recently I've been listening to these hour-long recordings on youtube of rain... one is rain recording from within a car . Oddly, now that it's raining, I feel like finding recordings of wind sounds. Just found one of wind and wind chimes - I'm getting tired of music (even music I like) ... sometimes it's too complex and annoying (and please gods , disable those blasted speakers in the grocery stores blasting out the worst commercial pop music ever recorded .... have mercy upon me ye gods! I'd rather have 'Musak' back than be forced to listen to modern mass marketed pop music- maybe I'm getting old and cranky ... no , that's not it - it's just that I can't help but hear everything)
12 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (1)
hiddenwings: some of them just sound pollution...
12 years ago ReplyReport