pioneerman Offline

63 Single Male from Kents Hill       264
Enjoy the outdoors and everything that goes with it!

JBStrong2gether: Been waiting for this Eagles/ Chiefs matchup all season. It’s the Kelce brothers’ SuperBowl. Great family with two talented sons.! Good luck at their family dinners!!!!!!
1 year ago Report Link
pioneerman: Good luck to your Chiefs! I know it's going to be a nail biter with the two brothers playing against each other. Hope all is well!
1 year ago Report
JBStrong2gether: Was quite the game. Love the Kelce family and the Chiefs. Hope you are well
11 months ago Report
pioneerman got the Birthday badge 1 year ago Report
JBStrong2gether: Not the way I wanted the AFC championship to end but we did it to ourselves. I’m good with that. Mahomes was awful in the second half.

Now we will see if the overtime rules get changed. When I first said they should be changed and the Chiefs tried to get them changed the only owner for that was of course Texas ! Bet it changes now that a big franchise line Buffalo got beat on It. We shall see.

Hope you survived the storm. Stay safe up there
2 years ago Report Link
pioneerman: Sorry your Chiefs didn't make it to the Superbowl this year. Glad to see the Bengals get in the SB though. Always good to give the underdogs a chance. Hope all is well with you! Everything is good here. Take care and stay safe!
2 years ago Report
JBStrong2gether: Stay safe from winter storm Kenan. Hope you don’t get hit too badly. ! Prayers, as it looks to be major!
2 years ago Report Link
JBStrong2gether: And last night’s game with the Kansas City Chiefs and Buffalo Bills is exactly why four years ago the Kansas City Chiefs wanted the overtime NFL rules changed.

But when it benefited Tom Brady , no one was interested. Now, everyone is screaming to get it changed !

I stand behind my original statement. “no football game of this caliber should ever be decided on a coin toss!” Watch the rule change now! Unbelievable !

And yes, my heart went out to Josh Allen who never got a chance in overtime! He at least deserved that ! After all, it’ was one of, if not the absolute best, NFL playoff game ever played by two outstanding teams and exceptional quarterbacks ! Go Chiefs!
2 years ago Report Link
pioneerman: Glad your Chiefs won. Now lets see if they will make it to the Superbowl. Hope all is well with you in this crazy world we live in.
2 years ago Report
uglycow10: Thanks for the like
2 years ago Report Link
pioneerman got the Birthday badge 2 years ago Report
Nicorrette: Happy birthday!
2 years ago Report
pioneerman: Have a very Merry Christmas friends!!
3 years ago Report Link
willowmoon16: Merry Christmas pioneer and a Happy New Year.
3 years ago Report
pioneerman: Thank you Willow! Hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!! ss
3 years ago Report
JBStrong2gether: By the way. ...... who won the last Super Bowl? Good luck this year with the Pats!!
3 years ago Report Link
pioneerman: I don't even watch any sports except hockey now. I'm so fed up with all of their mightier than thou attitude. I like my Bruins though! Glad your team came through for you!
3 years ago Report
pioneerman got the WireSlots Level 20 badge 4 years ago Report
limitations: I had no time to leave a notice that I was away from my desk.

Likely missed me by moments.
8 years ago Report Link
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pioneerman: Oh well, maybe catch up sometime...
8 years ago Report
(Post deleted by limitations 5 years ago)
(Post deleted by limitations 4 years ago)
JBStrong2gether: First!! Happy late Birthday. Secondly, you ready for this season ? We have been counting the days. Good luck to you. Hoping we have a rematch ; minus the coin toss!!!! Hope you are well !!
4 years ago Report Link
pioneerman: Hope you are doing well also! This season you will be beggin to be a Patriots fan but we won't have Sorry you have to blame your loss on a coin
4 years ago Report
JBStrong2gether: Omg pioneerman. lol. I won’t be beggin to be a Pats fan! I’m sure of Hey. I could have blamed Fords off sides call like so many other fans did. That interception would have ended the game. No doubt about it the defense let us down. But we all knew whoever won that coin toss was going to win. And the off sides call cost Ford his job. That was a rookie mistake. He should have known better. But you have to admit Patrick Mahomes is in a league of his own. The first day of training camp they had people from 30 states and 3 countries and they all said they wanted to see him. No doubt about it. Brady was good. But Mahomes is good and electrifying. He is only 23. The NFL needed a good young role model. He’s the one!!!!! Nice hearing from you anyway. Like I said. I can lose to the Patriots. I don’t like it but can accept it. However. There’s no excuse ever to lose to the Raiders. No way. Never!!!!!!!
4 years ago Report
pioneerman got the Birthday badge 4 years ago Report
Samantha65xoxo_: happy birthdayy
4 years ago Report
willowmoon16: Happy Birthday cheer:
4 years ago Report
snowlady901a: Hsppy Birthday!!🎉🎉🎉
4 years ago Report
JBStrong2gether: Spring training is just around the corner and after that...,,, It’s showtime !!!!!! You ready for this pioneerman????
5 years ago Report Link
pioneerman: I'm ready!! Bring it on!! Brady is ready too!! He's not ready to quit being a winner!
5 years ago Report
JBStrong2gether: I believe Brady isn’t a quitter. That’s for sure! Chiefs are in training camp in st Joe MO. beginning July 27. Hotels have been booked since the dates of camp were released people from all over the country are coming to see Mahomes play. It’s insane. Everyone I know that works and lives there is looking for ways to avoid the place as much as possible. And they practice in Missouri Western facilities and that’s Northwest’s arch rival lol. Kind of hard to even go there to watch. Be grateful Brady wasn’t close to you in training camp Not sure anyone was ever a people draw like Mahomes is Good luck to your Patriots this year. They’re going to need it against the Chiefs lol.
5 years ago Report
JBStrong2gether: IT’s NFL Draft Day. And so the journey begins again!!! By the way, the coin toss to decide a game like the NFL Championship is on its way out. Hope you’r e well and happy. Go Chiefs!!!!!
5 years ago Report Link
pioneerman: I got to see the Lombardi trophy when it came to our state house. It has the Gronk dent in it which will forever be remembered. Too bad we are losind Gronk this year. Hope you are doing well! Go Patriots!!
5 years ago Report
JBStrong2gether in reply to pioneerman: Glad you saw the trophy, dent and all. Watching what happens with Tyreek Hill now. I know how the fans feel. He’s represented by a really good law firm in KC. so we will see The chiefs have set the standards high. Hitting a woman was bad enough but hitting a kid? If he did it I can’t believe the NFL will allow him to play anywhere We will see! Let the system play out. Stay happy and well Go Chiefs!
5 years ago Report
pioneerman: I went to the state house here in Maine to see the Lombardi trophy. Gronk put his mark on it for sure!
5 years ago Report Link
JBStrong2gether: And Congratulations to the Patriots who won the super bowl on a coin toss!!! Prettty sure that’s a new record along with the lowest viewing record. Lol. Sorry pio. You knew this was coming. lol. Enjoy the parade and accolades. It’s Party time for now for the Boston/ Foxborough area. Enjoy!!
5 years ago Report Link
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JBStrong2gether: Glad the parade went well. Hate to be the bearer of bad news , but Brady isn’t going to make that goal. In the mean time Patrick Mahomes is setting his goals and I think he will get there and won’t need a coin toss to do it. Regardless, that kid is electric wherever he goes so he will be fun for a long time The best part of that is he is an amazing role model. And the guy who aimed the laser at Brady during that game Is banned from Arrowhead for life. The Chiefs organization wants to make an example out of him so they’re going to throw the book at him with the blessings of the entire Chiefs Kingdom. Tactics like that are not all of us die hard loyal fans Now we are going to see who picks up Kareem Hunt. And then we wait. Mahomes is just beginning!!! Go Chiefs!!
5 years ago Report
pioneerman: You don't have to be a Brady hater. He had no control over the toss of the coin. I don't know why you can't applaud Brady for his excellent talent instead of blaming it on a coin Go Patriots!!
5 years ago Report
JBStrong2gether: I know Brady is talented never said he wasn’t And I am a die hard Chiefs fan. I only hate Raiders lol. You never heard me say I’m a Brady hater but both Tom Brady and Patricn Mahomes sad they knew whoever won the toss was going to win the game. And the way the game was going I think we all knew it. So essentially the game was won on a coin toss! lol. Go Chiefs!!
5 years ago Report
JBStrong2gether: You must be happy tonight pioneerman! At least your team won! Congrats! Prepare for next season. I know we are!!!’
5 years ago Report Link
pioneerman: Just sad sometimes ............. a little humor for you!!
5 years ago Report Link
JBStrong2gether: One touchdown is a gift. We are just being polite. Lol
5 years ago Report Link
View all 34 posts
pioneerman: The bantering has been fun! Good luck to your team in the future as long as they don't have to play the Patriots......
5 years ago Report
pioneerman: Won't be long Mahomes will be a Patriot. We will need a Brady replacement and he would be
5 years ago Report
JBStrong2gether: lol. Cute pioneerman really cute. You would have tonadjust if that happened. You couldn’t handle a tough quarterback. And besides. I’m pretty sure he knows who controlled the timing of the release of the Kareem Hunt video too. He doesnt need to play by those tactics. He plays football. Lol. But I will say that I feel really bad for the saints. I was rooting for the rams because of their northwest player but I never wanted them to win like that. Rules have to change. Besides. The Chiefs got beat by a coin toss. We all knew who won that toss was going to win the game. And that rougher the passer call on Brady and no call on Mahomes Watched those replays about 30 times. Hope Brady arm got the proper attention lol. And for the record. We plan on keeping Mahomes !!! I just hope you don’t break you arm patting yourself on the back. Lol. This is still fun!!!! Bahahaha !!
5 years ago Report
JBStrong2gether: More facts for you. lol. Kareem Hunt was a 2017 rookie Chiefs playing who led the NFL in yards rushing and was voted to the pro bowl. He was on his way to achieving the same goal this past year when he decided to not be truthful to the front office about a physical altercation with a woman earlier in the year. Although the video showed the woman instigating the altercation, Hunt did get involved. After several failed attempts by the head office to get the correct information from Hunt, the video was released.(and I might add that the releasing of the video had obvious ulterior motives) showing that Hunt had not been truthful. The organization released him immediately.

So, a KC Chief fan already knows that ther team and organization are already winners. A moral victory was already won. Did that decision make the team less gifted and weaker in football talent? Absolutely! But we obviously still had other talent on the team. The AFC championship game is just icing on the cake. You see, we already know we won a battle most NFL teams would have never considered We just want to keep winning. So good luck today pioneerman, and welcome to Arrowhead, the loudest stadium in the NFL!!!!!!
5 years ago Report Link
pioneerman: You can post all the facts you want Just! The icing is in the pudding! A celebatory cake that I will be eating tonight after the game......LOL
5 years ago Report
JBStrong2gether: And the MVP offensive player of the year goes to. Wait for it. Wait for it. PATRICK MAHOMES!!!!
5 years ago Report Link
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JBStrong2gether: Can’t wait. You like eating crow? We shall see. Gotta love the Ref they chose. lol. That guy has the Pats number lol. He knows your tricks.
5 years ago Report
pioneerman: They are constantly changing their tricks. While the refs are checking ball pressure they will be pulling another trick on them!!
5 years ago Report
JBStrong2gether: Omg. This is mahomes magic territory. So bring those tricks of yours Good luck with those tricks too I’m pretty sure the Chiefs are ready for some football. The Patriots may want to concentrate on how the game is played lol. If they know how !!!!!!
5 years ago Report
pioneerman got the Birthday badge 5 years ago Report
View all 5 posts
Hope your day has been great......
5 years ago Report
southmissla in reply to southmissla: ooops try again hehe
5 years ago Report
willowmoon16: Happy birthday pioneerman
5 years ago Report
pioneerman: My veggie garden, flower, and bushes!
6 years ago Report Link
(Post deleted by redphebe 6 years ago)
JBStrong2gether: wow. That is a great garden.. You had a lot more rain than we had Good for you
6 years ago Report
(Post deleted by seadogger1 6 years ago)
pioneerman added a new image to his album beach 6 years ago Report
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JBStrong2gether: ROAD TRIP!! Now I’m thinking about the movie Animal House! lol. Took a few of those back in the day too!!
6 years ago Report
(Post deleted by seadogger1 6 years ago)
pioneerman: Salt water Willow. This is Popham Beach at the mouth of the Kennebec River. My favorite beach....
6 years ago Report