Friends | hey just moved to toronto from vancouver, msg me if your down to chat .. oh yeah and if u got bbm add me 217E86CE phoenix1169: BB Pin : 267FB8AB 13 years ago • Report • Link 0 phoenix1169 to mel2hot: Hey cutie thanks for the add bold for putting your number up ? You better be bold otherwise you'd be boring like all the rest Kseniija: lol i wish i could hook people up with some free ice cream, or at least give them a discount but 'I' don't even get free ice cream. i've been working here for so long. my managers a huge biitch. oh yeah i know, but i like thinking & learning about the human mind, it's pretty fascinating! good for him though at least he has a degree. (: what are you studying? phoenix1169 to Kseniija: DQ .. damn so can you hook up blizzards ? lol .. psych in university thats crazy.. one of my boyz just finished his psych degree and now hes doing his masters in software because he said he couldn't deal with messed up ppl all day lol .. so how was your weekend? phoenix1169 to Kseniija: umm I work in customs .. wow ice cream fun stuff lol .. what're u doin when u grad? Kseniija: oh cool, what do you do at work? yeah i work lol at an ice cream store haha. i'm still in high school though, almost finished! phoenix1169 to Kseniija: nothin much tired ugh just got back from work.. what u up to ? you work or go to school ? |