MerryChristmasD: a phone booth for elves? 2 years ago • Report 1 perplexing in reply to MerryChristmasD: Lol, it evokes much to me, a bygone era where people actually communicated with their voices and were much more authentic… perplexing in reply to perplexing: And I took that pic, who happens to be 5’ 3 3/4 inches on the petite side so… 😉 (Post deleted by perplexing ) perplexing in reply to chowomanishere: Think it’s mostly kudzu, the vine that ate the south …. It’s very invasive and is hard to kill, much like bamboo and mimosa trees perplexing in reply to chowomanishere: Aww thank you 😊. There’s an old Stephen King scary story I read when I was younger, about kudzu and it was the first time Id ever heard of it…, perplexing in reply to MerryChristmasD: Yes,lol. I forgot it was also one of the tales from Creepshow .The actual short story mentions kudzu,but not sure if the film adaptation does. Well done, fellow film buff… perplexing in reply to GlamazonGurl: Right? Now in my defense, I was talking about the short story I read years ago, then My merryXmasD another film buff, reminded me of Creepshow, lol lovinspoonfuls2: Superman is not going to be very happy. Oh wait, you are too young to know of Superman. perplexing in reply to lovinspoonfuls2: Lol, hey, one is never too young to learn history, it helps us to keep from repeating it, so someone once said ( in history?) 😉 (Post deleted by perplexing ) perplexing in reply to happybirthdayD: One of my fave photographs I’ve taken, and I so love this photograph because of its irony( or pre-cognition? ) on a few counts,including, taking it way before we even thought of looking at a home off this exit, let alone buying one ! perplexing in reply to happybirthdayD: I might see if I can buy that but not sure of the gs station owns it or ATand T? I might ask hubby to get it for me as a sentimental present ? happybirthdayD: It could be public land but why own it? All you can do is look at it whether you own it or not. If it had an abandoned house on the property now that would be different... happybirthdayD: Funny story. My mother's maternal grandparents bought a house with their kids in the Bronx, it was a former business or boarding house so a huge monstrosity with 14 people living in it including some of the grandkids. There was a giant hallway 20 feet wide that ran the entire length of the building and all the rooms were all off of it. Only one uncle would spring for a phone which was in the hallway. He got tired of everyone else using it so he changed it to a payphone. So all that was in the huge main hall as big as some houses was 7 doors and a payphone. My mom said it was the oddest thing. Another uncle had a hot dog cart business and hid the money he made in the basement in 5 gallon buckets. My mom's cousins used to steal entire buckets of dimes to call their girls. There was a fire and it burned to the ground because the firemen spent more time in the basement stealing all the money they could from fighting the fire. In the meantime the cousins and uncles got out as much money as they could. The trunks were so full of 5 gallon buckets of mostly coins that the fronts of the cars looked like they were going to come off the ground. That must have been some scene- all those people running to cars and firetrucks with big buckets... |