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Thats how important this,,,, by Jesus in Paul mcbon ruthford

Some called me a Devil or a demon,
A due from a due from what illegidly went to what i illegidly go through
And if werre so true, i would ve have dont it so enough ppl have sex,to where women and men can sufficiently bust whether or not if it around a bunch spew,,,,
I know you'll say you really dont want to get it but somebody had to say it, and since it s just one of those days where nobody does a thing well guess what i m that mf that came here to save it,
You may think im not right or i'm all wrong,
But where do you think wars come from,
From ppl not getting what they sexual want to the point where countries have to fight til' a mf gets some,,,,
Thats how important this sht is,
Some say it's just sex,
But it s just a urge looking for a followthrough to finally to get to where the curbed the urge is,,,,
Thats how important this sex is,,,,
It makes ppl feel like they re a part of life and make the those that dont feel like they re a part of exile,
Thats how important this sht is,,,,