pastortim Offline

57 Male from Detroit       197
pastortim: Christmas comes each year to draw people in from the cold. Like tiny frightened sparrows shivering in the winter cold, many live their lives on the barren branches of heartbreak,Disappointment and loneliness lost in the thoughts of shame self-pity killed or failure.

One blustery day follows another and the only company they keep is with fellow strugglers who land on the same branches confused and unprotected.

We try so hard to attract them into the warmth week after week church bells ring. Choir sing,preachers preach. churches send out their beacon,But nothing seems to bring in those who need warmth the most. Then as the year draws to a close,

Christmas offers it’s wonderful message. Emmanuel God with us. He who resided in heaven, co-equal with the father and the spirit, willingly descended into our world. He breathed our air,Felt our pain, died for our sins. He didn’t come to frighten us, but to show us a way to warmth and safety .
Jesus offers true peace and joy , repent today of all sin by his blood be saved .
Happy Christmas and may your new year be bright in Jesus of Nazareth .
6 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (1)
KateAB: PT this was wonderfully written. I hope you don't mind but I have many people to share it with. thank you.
6 years ago ReplyReport