Friends | passer1983 to Aurora__: Hey there! Where have you been? I hope all is well with you. xo Anthony 10 days ago • Report • Link 0 passer1983 to liri97414: Hey Liri im glad to at least see that you are ok, would have been nice to maybe just let me know that you are busy and not to worry. Anthony passer1983 to liri97414: hiya Liri, its been a few weeks since we talked, i truly hope everything is ok. Shalom. passer1983: Telling it like it is, Conway~! Not much longer for this loser administation to "lead" us any further in the wrong direction. passer1983: Conway, you are a beautiful soul both inside and outside. Your words are sincere and very meaningful on this day of remembrance. May you and your family always be safe and happy! xo xo you know how i feel about you! (Post deleted by Caitlin1984 ) passer1983 to Nuggs_: So sad to read this news, she was a very sweet person and i hope her family will be ok. passer1983 to ContemporaryKathryn: Hey gorgeous,I haven't seen you on in a while, i hope all is well. I miss your smoochies.... |