Friends | Ask! paogo0703: Sometime life is really hard, being adult is so hard. Even when you try everything to be ok things happens and you don't know how to keep going :/ 4 months ago • Report • Link 1 Blackshoes: AS the saying goes " AS the Italian race car driver enter his new car, he quickly rips off the rear-view mirror and says to his passengers "WHAT'S BEHIND ME' DOES NOT MATTER " 4 months ago • Report 1 paogo0703 in reply to Blackshoes: Thank you for the advice ♥ 4 months ago • Report 0 paogo0703: Hello, good morning, I hope you are well. I am currently looking for someone who can practice my English both speaking and listening. Feel free to talk to me. paogo0703: Life is sometimes too difficult And it puts us in situations that we really don't know how to deal with. :/ paogo0703: Las cosas parecen ser fáciles. Aquello que te resulta difícil de conseguir es eso lo que mas vas a valorar y a cuidar! Things seem to be easy. What you find difficult to achieve is what you will value and care for the most! paogo0703: Could it be that all men only think about sex? I'm not saying it's not important... But what makes you think that after saying "Hello how are you" I want to tell you how big my breasts are or what I'm wearing :/... Nobody takes the time to fall in love anymore and please a woman. |