please think a bout this,,,
is this happened to you feel lonely? or think that no body understand you ? and need some one to hear your problem and solve them for you ? and near you in all of difficulties of your life .?yes you have it . you have somebody that do all of this and more than these.
ALLAH (God) is someone that create human s , create world , beauties of nature , animals , ….. and create our Cells to work jointly and very carefully to become alive , God is very kind , kind than our mothers or everyone, so what you want from your God , will give to you . but you should just believe and trust your Allah your creator,. just do all things that God want, then you can see and understand that your life become changed . just love ALLAH, this world is something mortal and finish, the mans dead all time and this world haven’t any rules, SO YOU NEED SOMEONE TO HELP YOU IN YOUR LIFE AND THAT SOMEONE IS ALLAH , NOTHING CAN FEEL ALLAHS PLACE NOT IDOL,, NOT VALUNESS STATUES THAT MADE WITH MANS HANDS . MY DEAR FREIAND HAVE A GOOD RELIGION write by ~Neda.z~