mrtimothy53 Offline

65 Not-so-happily married Male from Joliet       1

mrtimothy53: It was a normal day at Ridgewood High School in Ridgewood New Jersey and Craig and I had put our great brains together and decided to run to the back of the school and light up the dubious joint one of us possessed. We had only taken a couple of drags when who from around the corner should appear but our" English Teacher!" .We both looked at each other and saw our diploma going down the drain. When all the sudden the teacher spoke up and asked very politely if we minded if he took a couple of drags. at this point we were ready to drop the joint and run like hell.But not wanting to waste good herb we handed it over. The teacher took a couple of small drags then handed the joint back to us,as he walked away he turned and said "do not be late for class!" ,.Well we were already in awe and nodded our heads quickly .Well my next class was "Art class" and one of my more favorite classes. And new I could breeze through that class. I was now on my way to English class and heeding my teachers warning was not wanting to be late for class and got there early. I was sitting there listening to the teacher ,when all the sudden over the loudspeaker came "Would Tim Larson Please Come To His Counselors Office!" As my rubber soled shoes hit the cold tauraso flooring I could see my life flash before my eyes and knew I would never walk these floors again. I figured my Art Teacher had probably figured out I was stoned during class and had reported me. This meant my father would have to have to come and talk to my counselor and sign my expellton papers the worst part was letting down my father.As I sat there in my councilors office she glared at me and asked :I guess your wondering why I asked you down here". My insides knowing full well why but my head shaking NO!.Her left hand reached for the drawer and pulled out a large piece of paper and tossed it on the desk speaking these words" Your Art Teacher brought this to me" .Ok here it comes,I knew it he caught me I am dead!.My heart raced and my pulse quicken as I aweighted My final outcome.And he said this is some of the best work he had seen from anyone all year long.I figure I lost a good 10 pounds in that one event ,but it also taught me how I could deal with society and not always feel afraid.
9 years ago Report Link
mrtimothy53 changed his profile picture: 10 years ago Report